The Bull 2 success stems from its ability to deal with the many different requirements of industrial handling sector.

Its success stems from its abililty to deal with the many different requirements of the industrial handling sector.

These tractors can work both indoors and outdoors thanks o the different versions available: with tyres or superelastic wheels, with or without cab. So many optionals have been added to these machines over the years that now, almost everything has now, almost everything has already been designed and is available.

Both BULL 2, with its 2-tonne towing capacity and BULL 4, with its 4-tonne towing capacity, are three-wheel tractors able to cover medium distances and feature an electronic system that monitors both acceleration and regenerative braking. Besides being extremely convenient, this type of braking system safeguards the brakes, which last longer and provide a better performance.

For more information on our BULL 2,get in touch with our experts!

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For more information on our BULL 2, get in touch with our experts!