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Life After Lockdown – What to do with your Forklift

Life After Lockdown – What to do with your Forklift

April 26, 2021 | by digital@lkda.co.za

If your forklift was part of the thousands that were put under Lockdown from 26 March to the end of April 2020, that means it’s been standing idle for 35 days – 840 hours of down-time!

Now that Lockdown has been lifted, it’s time to get back into productivity mode. But how do you do this in a safe and responsible manner? What can you expect from your forklift machine post-Lockdown?

Here is some useful advice from Goscor Lift Truck Company (GLTC)…..

It’s back to basics. Start by completing your Daily Check List. As an operator, this is something you should be completing – and actioning – everyday. A pure paper “tick box” exercise serves no good: the daily check needs to be done on the actual forklift.

The Daily Check List is extremely comprehensive and will reveal any defects that require your attention – whether it is for alarms, batteries, belts, gauges, hydraulic controls, oil leaks, radiator levels, safety equipment, tyres, and much more!

If you were not doing a daily check pre-Lockdown, you may encounter some unexpected challenges such as no or low fuel, flat batteries, missing keys and missing FMX tags.

As a result of the forklift standing in the same place for some weeks, you may also experience flat spots on the wheels. Your forklift driver will probably notice this while driving. The good news however is that this should sort itself out. If it does not, you may need to look at changing the wheels / tyres.

If you have electric forklifts in your fleet, their batteries may now be flat – even if you put them on charge before Lockdown. Loadshedding and the ongoing lack of a reliable power supply nationwide have made this a reality.

The answer to all your challenges in powering up your forklift and maximising its productivity and efficiency is simple: all you need to do is contact Goscor’s Service Centre for prompt and efficient assistance.  And continue with your daily checks!

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